The last bus for Kusatsu Onsen

The last bus to Kusatsu Onsen leaves at 20:18 from Naganohara-Kusatsuguchi Sta.
To get the bus, you must ride Shinkansen that leaves at 18:12 from Tokyo. And you should change to JR Agatsuma Line (19:16 Departur) at Takasaki Sta.

When you arrive at Naganohara-Kusatsuguchi Sta after 20:18, you will  be at a loss.
There are no accommodations or overnight facilities around the station.
It is difficult to find a taxi.
You will be left alone at the station.

In addition, to be in time for our last check-in, you must leave Tokyo Sta at 15:52.
If you miss the train, please informe us.


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